2021 Freunde Alumni Annual General Meeting
Sunday, October 31, 2021 9AM-10AM EST / 3PM-4PM CET Virtually via Zoom REGISTER HERE
Alumni around the world are invited to attend the 2021 Freunde Alumni Annual General Meeting on Sunday, October 31st, from 9am-10am EST / 3pm-4pm CET via Zoom. The Freunde des International House e.V (Freunde) is the I-House NY chapter registered in Germany that serves Europe’s large population of I-House NY Alumni. Join us for an opportunity to connect with other Alumni and participate in planning the Chapter’s next priorities. In order to join this meeting, you must be an official member of the Freunde Alumni Network. Membership fee is a nominal 25€ (Euros) for individuals and 45€ for couples, paid to Freunde des International House, e.V., and all funds go to International House NY. Any Alum can join Freunde; however, only those residing in Germany can receive tax benefits.Click here to download instructions on how to sign up for membership and/or donate via bank transfer to Freunde.
Click here to make a gift online directly to International House.
For more information about Freunde, please contact the Freunde Board (Pooja Merchant, Arne Grob and Martin Schneider) at freundeihouse@gmail.com.