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I-House Announces the Dietrich Bonhoeffer Award

International House is pleased to announce a new financial aid opportunity for all Academic Year residents.

Starting in the fall of 2022, The Dietrich Bonhoeffer Award will cover the full cost of housing as well as the meal plan for a room with or without a sink in the South Building at International House. It will be made to three residents who embody the characteristics displayed by Bonhoeffer while he was a member of I-House: openness to new experiences, curiosity about issues outside one’s professional field, interest in people from different backgrounds and cultures, a drive to action, and a commitment to improve society and the quality of life of others.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer (1906-1945) was a German pastor and theologian. He was a member of International House during his fellowship year at Union Theological Seminary (UTS) in 1930-31.

During his time at UTS and I-House, Bonhoeffer broadened his worldview and actively pursued new experiences. He befriended people from different countries; read books by minority authors; attended artistic events; and took courses on ethics, literature, and psychology. While in New York Bonhoeffer also regularly attended a Baptist church in Harlem, where he learned about gospel music. He immersed himself in Black culture and not only became aware of the racial and social inequities endured by Black people in this country but was dedicated to equal rights. Together, his experiences in New York and at I-House changed his perspectives on political, social, economic, and religious issues and inspired him to take action against injustices.

For more information or to apply for financial aid, please visit the Admissions website at

(Above: Dietrich Bonhoeffer in the 1931 Members Directory / courtesy of the International House Archives)