Disciplinary Process Policy
In Good Standing
The term “in good standing” indicates that the Resident Member is regarded as being in compliance with all financial and Community Standard obligations while not being subject to any form of disciplinary action. One or repeated violations of the Community Standards will jeopardize the good standing of a Resident Member and can lead to further disciplinary action.
Reporting Violations
The I-House Public Safety Team is charged with ensuring the well-being and safety of all members of the I-House community. As part their duties, the Public Safety Team, which includes but is not limited to the Front Desk Attendants and House Managers, observe and report violations of I-House community standards. As a matter of process, a member of the Public Safety Team will file an incident report outlining alleged violations of I-House Community Standards and send to the senior I-House Leadership, including the Office for Programs & Resident Life.
Any member of the International House community, including Resident Leadership Fellows, staff, or concerned Resident Members who observes a policy or community standards violation may approach Public Safety to report a violation for further investigation. Additionally, community members may file an online complaint (found here) with the Vice President for Programs & Resident Life. The person filing the complaint must have direct knowledge and details of the incident.
Upon receipt of an incident report or complaint, the Vice President for Programs & Resident Life or his/her appointed I-House Staff representative will review the report and determine the course of action, which includes but is not limited to:
- Notify the Resident Member(s) in writing of the reported violation;
- Meet with the Resident Member to inform him/her of the reported violation and review the incident;
- Meet with other witnesses, including complainants and/or Public Safety, as well as meet with any other relevant individuals, and review additional documentation from those who were directly or indirectly involved in the incident;
At his/her discretion, the VP of Programs & Resident Life will determine the course of action for resolution, including but not limited to:
- A verbal warning
- Conflict resolution “no contact agreements” between Resident Members with an interpersonal dispute
- Disciplinary action based on the severity of violation, prior violations of the Resident Member(s) and any other relevant criteria.
Disciplinary Action
The VP of Programs & Resident Life or his/her appointed I-House Staff representative will follow-up with the Resident Member in writing regarding the outcome of their meetings and disciplinary action. This process is meant to be corrective not punitive in nature, depending on the egregiousness of the violation, and allows for the Resident Member to be verbally warned as a first step which will not impact “good standing.” Should the Resident Member persist in additional related or unrelated violations after a verbal warning, a Resident Member’s “good standing” will be jeopardized and the disciplinary action process will be triggered.
Disciplinary action can include, but is not limited to, one or any combination of the following with or without specific time frames in place:
- A written warning
- Community service requirement
- Monetary fine of no more than $100 for a first offense and $200 for a second
- Probationary period in which the Resident Member(s) is not considered “in good standing” for the probationary period and wherein further violations will lead to immediate disciplinary action
- Termination of Resident Membership, which will include
- Reason for termination
- Effective date of termination
- Process for appeal*
Assuming that the disciplinary action is not membership termination, the VP of Programs & Resident Life or his/her appointed representative will notify the Resident Member upon completion of probationary period and a return to “in good standing” status.
There is no appeal process for these disciplinary actions, except for termination of Resident Membership. Resident Members are expected to adhere to the Community Standards and expectations therein.
Appeal Process*
An appeal can be submitted if a Resident Member’s disciplinary action is termination of membership. The Resident Member has ten (10) working days from the date of the written membership termination notification decision to file an appeal in writing to the President of I-House. The Resident Member can submit any documentation along with a written appeal to support their appeal.
Upon receipt of a timely appeal, the President of I-House will convene an I-House Review Panel to investigate the appeal. The Panel will consist of two or more IHouse staff, including a member of the Leadership team. The President has the discretion to appoint a member of the Resident Council to the Review Panel. The I-House Review Panel will serve as an investigating body and impartial jury, who:
- Investigates (reviews the documentation, including incident reports and disciplinary correspondence, interviews the Complainant, Respondent, and any named witnesses) to ascertain facts and gather additional information.
- Presents a written summary of findings indicating one of the following
recommendations along with a summary of rationale to the President of IHouse within 10 days of the Panel’s appointment:
- DISMISSAL of COMPLAINT: Resident Member is notified in person and in writing that the case has been dismissed and membership status is retained. The Disciplinary Panel may recommend alternate disciplinary action.
- DISCIPLINARY ACTION UPHELD: Resident Member is notified in writing of upheld disciplinary action, as signed by the President.
The President will review the appeal, as well as Review Panel investigation findings, and render a final decision, which will be sent in writing to the Respondent by the VP of Programs & Resident Life. This final decision is at the sole discretion of the I-House President and is not subject to further appeal.