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International House (I-House), like other communities and organizations in our society, has a right to require the cooperation of its members in the performance of its functions, and to oversee and regulate the conduct and behavior of such members which, actually or has potential to, impede, obstruct, or threaten the maintenance of order and achievement of its goals. I-House has selected its Resident Members to create a diverse community that is committed to the ideals of cross-cultural exchange, friendship, tolerance, respect, empathy, and moral courage. As a Resident Member, you are required to maintain standards of conduct that are consistent with the objectives of International House. These standards include, but are not limited to:

  • Respect for the rights of others, including the right to peaceful coexistence (e.g., study time and rest);
  • No tolerance for verbal or physical violence, and bullying;
  • No tolerance for violations of interpersonal integrity, such as sexual misconduct, stalking, or use of abusive or defamatory language to any member of the resident community or staff.

Any violations of the Community Standards will lead to disciplinary action in accordance with the I-House Disciplinary Process. This policy applies to all I-House Resident Members.


To ensure the safety and security of all members of our community, and in accordance with our founding values and principles, Resident Members must abide by all I-House policies and procedures as agreed to upon signing the Resident Member Agreement at check in. These policies include but are not limited to the following:

  1. Resident Members must abide by all U.S. federal, state and local laws.
  2. Disorderly Conduct:
    • Disorderly, disruptive, or antagonizing behavior that interferes with the safety, security, health or welfare of the community, and/or the regular operation of I-House is prohibited.
    • Behaviors that, by virtue of their intensity and/or repetitiveness, interfere with I-House programs is prohibited.
    • Failure to observe I-House Quiet Hours on the residential floors, from 11:00 PM to 9:00 AM is prohibited, as is excessive noise that disturbs others at any time.
  3. Bullying, Threatening, and Abusive Behavior:
    • Engaging in or threatening to engage in behavior(s) that, by virtue of their intensity, repetitiveness, or otherwise, endanger or compromise the health, safety or well-being of oneself, another person, or the general I-House community, or that disrupt the effective continuation of the academic/educational process for individual Resident Members or for the general I-House community is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to, threatening, tormenting, mocking, intimidating, maliciously or inappropriately ridiculing another’s work or comments beyond the scope of scholarly inquiry, and exploiting known psychological or physical vulnerabilities or impairment.
    • Abusive behavior toward an I-House employee or agent acting in performance of their duties is prohibited.
    • Physical violence, actual or threatened, against any individual or group of persons is prohibited.
    • Hazing is prohibited.
    • Unjustified abuse, neglect, or violence toward an animal is prohibited.
  4. Membership Cards:
    • Resident Members must display their I-House membership card when entering the building.
    • Membership cards may not be shared or given to others for use in accessing I-House facilities, benefits, or services under any circumstances.
    • Membership cards may not be duplicated, and Resident Members may not possess duplicate membership cards and/or fobs.
  5. Weapons:
    • Weapons of any kind—including firearms, knives with a fixed blade or longer than 2.5 inches, explosives, fireworks, ammunition, dangerous chemicals, or any substance or item that any reasonable person would consider having the possibility of doing bodily harm—are strictly prohibited on IH property.
  6. Destruction of Property:
    • Destroying, defacing, damaging, or stealing IH property, or that of others, is prohibited.
  7. Theft & Unauthorized Takings:
    • Theft or improper use of I-House property, or that of others, regardless of the intent to return the item, is prohibited.
    • Knowingly possessing, selling, or distributing stolen property or materials is prohibited.
  8. Unauthorized Entry:
    • Unauthorized entry into I-House premises without proper authorization is prohibited and is considered trespassing. This includes, but is not limited to, fire escapes and individual resident rooms without invitation.
  9. Commercial Activities & Gambling:
    • Commercial or business activities anywhere in I-House is strictly prohibited under I-House’s non-profit status.
    • Solicitation, use of I-House facilities, resources or services, or misappropriation of I-House’s name, for the purpose of conducting business or non-profit endeavors not otherwise authorized or sponsored by the I-House is prohibited.
    • Gambling is strictly prohibited at I-House unless at an I-House sponsored event.
  10. Fire Safety:
    • Intentionally or recklessly damaging or destroying property by fire or explosives is prohibited.
    • Creating or maintaining a fire or fire hazard is prohibited.
    • Tampering with or misuse of emergency or fire safety equipment, including emergency call devices, fire alarms, fire exits, firefighting equipment, smoke/heat detectors, or sprinkler systems is prohibited.
    • Failing to immediately exit any facility or building when a fire alarm or other emergency notification has been sounded is prohibited.
  11. Guests & Visitors:
    • You must follow the I-House Guest Policy.
    • Knowingly allowing one’s visitors or guests to violate this policy or other I-House policies or failing to monitor the behavior of one’s visitors or guests to assure their adherence to such standards is prohibited.
  12. Failure to Comply:
    • Failure to comply promptly with the reasonable request or instruction of an I-House employee or agent acting in an official capacity, including, but not limited to, refusing to provide identification, refusing to dispose of or turn over to I-House authorities prohibited items, leaving the scene of an incident, requests to disperse, or violation of a no contact directive is prohibited.
    • Failing to abide by or fulfill the terms of a sanction or condition issued through the I-House Disciplinary Process is prohibited.
  13. Information Technology:
    • Resident Members must comply with the I-House Information Technology (IT) Policy, which governs the acceptable use of wireless services and other electronic resources.
  14. Health and Safety Policies:
    • Resident Members must comply with I-House health and safety policies, including non-smoking rules, fire safety requirements, drug and alcohol policies, and, if in force, any COVID or other infectious disease policies.
    • Resident Members may not jeopardize their safety, or the safety of others, or behave in a manner that endangers themselves or the wellbeing of others.
    • Failure to abide by any governmental orders issued concerning public health is prohibited.
  15. Interpersonal Integrity Policies:
    • Resident Members are required to comply with all other I-House Community Standards, including but not limited to the Sexual Misconduct and Non-Discrimination policies.
  16. Retaliation:
    • Participating in any adverse action against an individual for making a good faith report of prohibited conduct or participating in any proceeding under this policy. Retaliation includes threatening, intimidating, harassing or any other conduct that would discourage a reasonable person from engaging in activity protected under this policy is prohibited.
  17. Violations of Other Policies:
    • Engaging in behavior prohibited under other established I-House policies not otherwise cited above is prohibited.