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Legacy Gifts

“The reason I made a planned gift to I-House is that I realize I’m not going to last forever. I want to make sure the assets I have worked hard to accumulate will support what I care most about. And for me, that’s the men and women of International House.” – Herman Rottenberg, Life Trustee

The Legacy Giving Program at International House offers alumni and friends a range of opportunities to make lasting contributions in support of the House and its resident members. For many planned giving donors, the knowledge that their gifts will live on and have a meaningful impact on residents in countless ways is a welcome and comforting thought.

Some of the most common ways that donors choose to make legacy gifts include bequests in a will or trust, life insurance, IRA and other retirement account assets and charitable trusts.

For those who inform the House of their planned gifts, we proudly list their names as members of the Harry Edmonds Society, a group named for the originator of International House. Harry Edmonds’ legacy has had a lasting impact on generations of international students since even before the House was founded, and today’s planned giving donors help to perpetuate his legacy—as well as their own—by sharing in this commitment to the House’s future success.

Bequest Instructions

Many donors opt to leave part or all of their estates, including a remainder interest to be distributed after other specific bequests are met, to International House as a provision in their Wills or Living Trusts. This allows a donor’s heirs to avoid paying estate taxes on the asset(s) left to I-House while simultaneously supporting the core resources and services that the House makes available to its residents. Bequests can be designated for specific purposes or left unrestricted to meet the House’s greatest needs. Donors interested in restricted bequests should contact the Development Office to ensure that their charitable intent matches I-House’s goals.

Life Insurance/Retirement Account instructions

Designating International House as a beneficiary of a life insurance policy or retirement account is a very simple way to leave a legacy to sustain our Mission. The beneficiary forms for your account or policy are available from the institution that holds the account(s).

Charitable Trust Instructions

You can designate International House as a beneficiary of either a charitable remainder or charitable lead trust; either instrument will allow you to provide income and assets to specific beneficiaries (e.g. individuals and the House) during the term of the trust and after it expires. Please consult with your legal counsel and financial advisors before executing a charitable trust.
“I decided to make a planned gift to International House because I am so thankful for all that the House has given me. I want to ensure that in my own small way, I-House continues to help and welcome new students.”
Zlata Paces ’53