Stock Gifts
Giving the gift of securities is simple and tax efficient. Funds can also be wired directly and safely from your account to International House.
Transferring Gifts of Securities to International House
For DTC Eligible Securities:
Bank Name: BNY Mellon, N.A.
Agent Bank Number: 69595
Agent Bank DTC Number: 8420
Bank Account Name: International House
Bank Account Number: UGU900323
Please alert International House that a transfer is coming by contacting the Office of Development at 212-316-8423 or kgorman@ihouse-nyc.org. Please provide us with the following information:
- The security description
- Cusp Number
- Number of shares
- Broker name
- DTC participant number
- Intended date of the transfer
The valuation of the gift will be determined by the number of contributed shares multiplied by the average of the high/low on the date on which the transfer is completed. You or your broker may direct stock transfer questions to to John Doyle, VP of Finance at International House, at jdoyle@ihouse-nyc.org as well as to PAS@pershing.com, with copy to bankcustodyplatinum@bnymellon.com. The donor or the donor’s broker must alert both Bank of New York-Mellon and International House that a transfer is coming, or it will be rejected as a “bad trade.”
Wire Transfer Gifts to International House
Bank Name: Citi Bank
Bank Address: 2861 Broadway, New York, NY 10025, USA
ABA Number: 021000089
Account Number: 30681564
SWIFT code (for international wire transfers): CITIUS33
Bank Account Name: International House
Please alert International House that a transfer is coming by contacting the Office of
Development at 212-316-8423 or kgorman@ihouse-nyc.org. Please provide us with the
following information:
- Donor name
- Gift amount
- Purpose of gift